If you’ve struggled with your weight, have followed this, that and the other diet, where you had to restrict calories, only eat certain foods, and exercise harder than ever before while consuming less, what you are about to read may change your life forever…

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Let me ask you two questions:

What if YOU never had to diet ever again? What if you could eat all your favorite foods and still lose weight?

I know the above might be hard to imagine, especially if you’re always dieting or getting ready to diet, and you think you’ve benefited somewhat from your deprivation, but I can assure you that what I am saying is true.

Let me tell you this up front, you can now take all those restrictive diets and throw them in the trash…

When I give talks, seminars, workshops or coach private clients, I always ask, “Did your diet work for you long term?”

The answer is always NO. Even if the diet worked temporarily, it failed you in the end.  

My definition of success when it comes to “dieting” (I really dislike that word) is helping you transform your body by melting body fat, putting on lean muscle and continually making it better, without depriving yourself of your favorite foods! 

My name is Kyle Newell, aka the Panda Man, and I am the World’s Leading Authority on the ultimate weight loss, muscle building regimen. It’s called… Fasting.  

As I tell my students, fasting is more important than food. You fast… then you FEAST. And when you feast, you eat whatever you want. No restrictions. Then you go back into fasting mode… followed by another feast. 

I’ve been doing this for five years straight now, and I am stronger, leaner and have more muscle mass than ever before. And that’s saying something because I used to be a competitive bodybuilder. 

When I began this “fast and feast” journey, I had no idea that it would work as well as it has. But people wanted to know, so I began teaching them what I was doing, and every person who followed what I taught got long-lasting results. No yo-yoing. No rebound effect. No bull. 

One of my students, a former collegiate wrestler, who had followed various diets his entire life, including keto, carnivore, vegetarian, vegan, fruitarian, raw foods, and so on, put this “fast and feast” program to the ultimate test, eating pizza almost every night, as well as many of his other favorite foods. 

For the first time in decades, he did not restrict anything. 

And to his shock and surprise (not mine), he got leaner and leaner. 

If you’ve come this far with me, you’re probably sick of the lies and subsequent failures that the traditional “North American Diet” (NADs) and Fake Fitness Experts (FFEs) are teaching.

What if YOU never had to diet ever again? What if you could eat all your favorite foods and still lose weight?

I know the above might be hard to imagine, especially if you’re always dieting or getting ready to diet, and you think you’ve benefited somewhat from your deprivation, but I can assure you that what I am saying is true.

Let me tell you this up front, you can now take all those restrictive diets and throw them in the trash…

Mark my words: WHAT They are Teaching is Nothing But Lies.


LIE #1

If you want to lose weight you must cut calories, burn calories and repeat, forever

Ha, nothing could be further from the TRUTH and YOU KNOW THIS FIRSTHAND

LIE #2

If you want to shred body fat you just have to “want it more,” “grind harder” &  use “more willpower”

WRONG, your brain won’t form a habit around anything that it doesn’t find pleasurable.

LIE #3

You need to cut carbs way down, avoid fruit like the plague (because it has too much sugar!) & jam your pie hole full of protein

GOOD LUCK with this approach.  I did this for 15 years and became a prisoner of my own food choices…and I was a competitive bodybuilder, so I think I know what I am talking about.

LIE #4

You need to stop eating before dusk or your body will magically turn everything to fat

Ha! I figured out this was a lie long ago while I was heavily competing in bodybuilding and I started having my biggest, carb heavy meal, CLOSER TO BEDTIME!

LIE #5

You need to eat 5 or 6 small meals per day

When you eat several meals per day, you increase insulin resistance, the culprit behind virtually all diseases.

LIE #6

You need to follow keto, vegan, carnivore, vegetarian, fruitarian, etc.

Bullshit. The truth is my students eat whatever they want including pizza, ice cream and heavy carb meals. Some eat meat, some don’t. The truth is, it doesn’t matter.

LIE #7

You need to drink a gallon or more of water every day

Another absolute BS statement. Did you know that 95% of your fat cells contain water? Explain to me how you are burning more fat by drinking a gallon of water per day.

As an aside , Next time you’re in the gym or out for a walk, take note of the person carrying the water jug, and ask yourself, “Is this person lean?”

This morning, I was out for a walk (without a water bottle) and I saw three different whales walking upright, all of whom were carrying a drink of some sort in their hands. Mark my words, six months from now, these whales won’t be any leaner than what I saw today.

This, my friend, is the short list of lies. 

There are so many myths and flat out LIES perpetuated by the FFEs and the other propagandists in the establishment that it is very hard to sort through. You could spend a lifetime studying the NUTRITIONAL MISINFORMATION and wind up at the exact spot you began in…. or EVEN FATTER than when you began!

Through my self-experimentation and after coaching over 1,000 students, I have perfected the way the human body is supposed to eat (and I am perfecting it even more).

Since I developed the Panda Diet, here’s what has happened to me:

  • My Blood work is at an ELITE level.  I have virtually no inflammation in my joints, my skin is always clear and my body recovers from the most grueling workouts very quickly…

  • I can easily maintain single digit body fat percentages and I currently carry the most muscle mass that I’ve ever had, ALL without focusing on it at all!!!

  • I feel a deep gratitude and appreciation for every single meal I eat and I am more connected to my spiritual side than ever before.  When I eat it is a FEAST and celebration, not something to be micromanaged.  

  • And, I’ve even gotten taller!  I’m 42 years of age, well beyond the so-called growth stage, yet, I have added 2 inches of height over the last 5 years. This is not a joke. I cannot promise it will happen to you, but it tells me that I am biologically becoming younger and optimizing my hormones (GH, Insulin) to a very high degree!

Here are some testimonials from some of my students

Listen, people in the industry DO NOT LIKE what I am teaching, but I don’t care. Why? 

Because it is EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE. And it is simple. The Panda Way destroys THE COMPLEXITY with SIMPLICITY. UTTER SIMPLICITY.

Weight loss is not complicated. It is easy and it is simple… if you follow the Panda Man process. Come along with me and you will see.

Listen NOW!

As of this time, my podcast has not missed a week in the past 7 years.  I show up so you can level up.  Most of the episodes are bite size, so you can acquire knowledge and hopefully apply that knowledge, within 10–15 minutes.  

More recently I have been doing some fascinating interviews with some real characters; those are a bit longer but give you a deep dive into how highly successful people think and act.  

Unlocking Your Inner Strength covers everything from mindset, to fasting, to training, to Bigfoot and beyond!